The Gallows Tree

The Gallows Tree

Death had her bench at the bottom of the tree. Being the music lover she was, she clapped out the staccato beat each and every hemp jig was danced to.

The Gallows Tree was not seen on a mortal level until the dance was complete. To look at, it was two vertical poles parallel to each other, and of equal height. Another piece of timber ran over the top of the two, and was completed by a length of hemp rope, ending in a noose. The last tie any of those dancers would ever wear.

The tree had it’s upper branches shading the pearly gates above, and its roots drank deeply from the Styx below.

Death greeted each and every gallows tree dancer in an identical manner. Pleasantly. She then thrust them through the door in the tree to start their perceived path to heaven or hell. Which was the same path, as one man’s heaven is another’s hell, Meaning that heaven and hell were the same place, and it was there that Bast meet Mini………….again.

Click on the divers. The Waifs and Billy Jones live at the Roebuck in Broome.

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